A group of boys from a primary school soccer team in Anshun, Guizhou Province, are doing daily training on the playground.
The team was made 1 their P. E. teacher Mr. Zeng. And their headmaster Mr. Xiong also 2 a lot. Although the members practice 2 hours every day, playing soccer does not 3 their studies or farm work.
Most of these boys’ parents work in big cities far from the village. In the past, they were afraid of showing themselves in public, 4 now through soccer, they have become outgoing, active and brave. And their skills in soccer have improved rapidly by working hard. In a short time, they have 5 the other teams from nearby schools in the city.
To open 6 minds, Mr. Xiong encouraged them to join in a “Who’s the King”national soccer game. They did not play well in the 7 . However, with the physical advantages they 8 the game. Unluckily, they were short of 9 in such competitions, so they finally lost 1-0.
10 , after Mr. Zeng moved to another school, Miss Yu took his place. The young teacher who was born in 1985 11 to teach there. She is their soccer coach and also teaches them English, math and other 12 . To her surprise, these village boys are not like 13 she thought. She says that every time the team travels to another city to take part in a soccer game, the kids are just very 14 in themselves.
Soccer gives these kids a 15 to see the wonderful things of the outside world. And it makes them strongly believe that they would go beyond (在另一边) the mountains one day.
1 . A . in B . by C . from D . of
2 . A . celebrated B . changed C . supported D . achieved
3 . A . influence B . shake C . afford D . cover
4 . A . or B . so C . for D . but
5 . A . directed B . compared C . beaten D . interviewed
6 . A . her B . our C . his D . their
7 . A . end B . beginning C . middle D . process
8 . A . controlled B . passed C . finished D . recorded
9 . A . experience B . development C . progress D . information
10 . A . Now B . Later C . Before D . Firstly
11 . A . invited B . volunteered C . remembered D . dared
12 . A . challenges B . choices C . purposes D . subjects
13 . A . how B . when C . what D . where
14 . A . confident B . talented C . interested D . rich
15 . A . rule B . role C . chance D . result
下图是青蛙的生殖与发育示意图。关于青蛙的生殖和发育的叙述,错误的是( )
A.精子和卵细胞在体内完成受精 B.蝌蚪用鳃呼吸,只能生活在水中
C.青蛙的发育方式属于变态发育 D.青蛙的发育离不开细胞分裂和分化
摘录: |
被称为“鱼米之乡”的地区是( )
一定质量的金属铁和稀硫酸恰好完全反应,产生气体的质量为0.2 g。
(2)向反应后的溶液中加入BaCl2溶液,当加入的BaCl2溶液质量为208 g时,恰好完全反应,此时生成沉淀的质量为________g。
下列选项的内容,与概念图不符的是( )
A . ① 血液 ② 血浆 ③ 血细胞 ④ 红细胞 ⑤ 白细胞 ⑥ 血小板
B . ① 花蕊 ② 雄蕊 ③ 雌蕊 ④ 柱头 ⑤ 花柱 ⑥ 子房
C . ① 菜豆种子 ② 种皮 ③ 胚 ④ 胚根 ⑤ 胚轴 ⑥ 胚芽
D . ① 脊椎动物 ② 恒温动物 ③ 变温动物 ④ 鱼 ⑤ 两栖动物 ⑥ 爬行动物
频闪照相机是研究物体运动的重要手段之一,如图所示的频闪照片记录了竖直下落的小球每隔相等时间的位置,不计空气阻力,在小球下落的过程中,下列说法正确的是( )
A. 小球的重力势能逐渐增大 B. 小球的机械能逐渐减小
C. 小球的重力在 ab 段做功比在cd 段多 D. 小球的重力在 ab 段做功比在 cd 段多慢
《中华人民共和国民法典》自 2021 年 1 月 1 日起施行,这是新中国第一部以法典命名的法律,它开启了我国法典编纂立法的先河。在民法典中,贯穿始终的立法精神是 ( )
A . 尊重与保障 B . 平等与保护 C . 公平与正义 D . 民主与法治
【2019 • 湖北省随州市】—Excuse me, may I use your dictionary? is at home.
—Certainly. But remember to return it on time.
A. I B. Me C. My D. Mine
这句诗描述的是哪一种非生物因素影响了鸭的生活? ( )
A.空气 B.温度 C.光照 D.水
①要用发展的限光看待自己 ②要学会宽容
③要学会调控情绪 ④自尊和知耻要适度
A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④
(崇尚英雄 捍卫英雄)
材料一 “清澈的爱,只为中国”“没有任何一个人退缩,还顶着石头攻击,将他们赶了出去”“我们就是祖国的界碑”……这是祁发宝、陈红军、陈祥榕、肖思远、王焯冉5名英雄官兵留下的战地誓言!那场战斗后,很多官兵在头盔里、衣服上写下:宁将鲜血流尽,不失国土一寸!
材料二 2021年2月19日,网民“蜡笔小球”仇某某为博取网民关注,在网上发布歪曲事实真相、诋毁贬损5名戍边英雄官兵的违法言论,造成极其恶劣的影响。经审查,仇某某因涉嫌寻衅滋事罪被警方刑事拘留。
( 1 )英雄屹立喀喇昆仑。请对材料一中英雄官兵的言行进行评析。
( 2 )英烈不容亵渎,法律不容挑衅。阅读材料二,谈谈你的启示。
某补钙剂的主要成分是碳酸钙,欲测定补钙剂中碳酸钙的质量分数,某同学进行了如图的操作: 已知:其他成分不参与反应且不溶于水
(1) 生成 CO 2 的质量为 _______g 。
(2) 计算该补钙剂中碳酸钙的质量分数。 ( 根据化学方程式计算,写出完整步骤 )
(3) 反应后,向烧杯中再加入 5.4g 水,求所得溶液中溶质的质量分数。