多数消费者还比较狭隘地认为,新能源汽车就是纯电动汽车。那么究竟什么是新能源汽车呢?新能源汽车是指采用非传统燃料作为动力源的汽车,汽油、柴油和天然气、乙醇等均属于传统燃料。纯电动汽车、插电混合动力汽车和燃料电池汽车统称为新能源汽车。这里需要特别指出,常规的混合动力汽车,也就是行业所称的 HEV,不属于新能源汽车,因为传统燃料仍是其动力的唯一来源。
近日,汽车行业中一家知名咨询机构发起了一项名为“消费者对新能源汽车发展趋势看法”的调研。调研结果显示:58%的消费者看好插电混动汽车;而纯电动汽车的发展趋势竟然不如还处在萌芽期的燃料电池汽车。其实,不管看好哪种动力系统,消费者对新能源汽车的接受度不断提高是毋庸置疑的。2012 年,我国新能源汽车产销仅为 1万辆,时隔 6年后的2018 年,成功突破 100 万辆,我国成为全球最大的新能源汽车消费市场。当然,其快速发展不仅是需求所致,还受到国家政策和厂商产品供给的影响。其中,政策对纯电动汽车的发展起到了至关重要的作用。撇开补贴政策不谈,地方政府对纯电动汽车发展的支持尤为明显。近日,昆明发布公告:自 2019 年 1 月 1 日起,昆明新增网约车必须是纯电动汽车,燃油车、混动汽车将不予发放车辆营运证。有这样规定的省市比比皆是,即使广州、深圳等一线城市也是如此。
(摘编自《畅所欲言:纯电动、插电混动、燃料电池,谁将主导汽车的未来?》2019 年 2 月20 日)
记者从国家市场监督管理总局获悉,国家市场监督管理总局、国家标准化管理委员会批准发布了《电动汽车能量消耗率限值》等 646 项国家标准。《电动汽车能量消耗率限值》标准是全球首个针对纯电动汽车能耗指标提出要求的技术标准。此次发布的国家标准涉及道路交通、新能源汽车等多个领域。
《电动汽车能量消耗率限值》将在促进纯电动汽车节能技术应用、推动电动汽车降低能耗、节约电力能源方面发挥重要作用,有利于促进新能源汽车产业健康发展。该标准规定, 对于具有三排以下座椅且最高车速大于或等于 120 千米/小时的电动汽车车型,当整车整备质量在750千克及以下时,能量消耗率限值应在 13.1 千瓦时/100 千米。
(摘编自《我国发布全球首个纯电动汽车能耗指标技术标准》,人民网 2019 年 2 月 20 日)
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据英国路透社 2 月 17 日报道,德国财政部长奥拉夫·舒尔茨表示,计划延长对电动公务用车的税收优惠,旨在进一步提高新能源汽车的需求量。
奥拉夫·舒尔茨在接受外媒采访时称:“德国汽车销售中,近半数都是公司公务用车。因此我决定,到 2021 年不仅不会结束对电动汽车和插电式混动汽车的税收优惠,而且可能
延长到整个 10 年。”他认为此举有助于提高空气质量,实现气候目标。
但他也表示,插电式混动汽车享受税收优惠的条件会进一步收紧,只有在纯电动模式下, 续航里程比现款有所提高的混动车才有资格获得税收优惠。
不过,德国联邦汽车管理局公布的数据显示,尽管政府的补贴计划提高了电动汽车销量, 但去年电动汽车仅占新车注册率的 1%。德国政府承认,到 2020 年 100 万辆电动汽车保有量的目标或无法完成。
(摘编自《德国拟延长电动汽车税收优惠提振新能源车需求》,环球网 2019 年 2 月 18 日)
Since the beginning of human evolution, men have migrated(迁移)across continents in search of food, shelter, safety, and comfortable weather. People still move for these reasons, but new reasons for human migration are arising, such as job relocation(重新安置) and overpopulation.
Three million migrants are moving from poor countries to wealthier ones each year, and increasingly, their destination is a neighboring country in developing parts of the world. People are moving within the developing world for the same reasons as they migrate to wealthier nations. People from poor countries are going to less poor countries, fleeing wars and conflicts. They are also responding to population pressures because some countries are densely populated, and they often have high population growth. Those people need to go somewhere else.
There are three main reasons why people move. The basic categories and percentages are as follows, according to the Current Population Surveys (CPS):
Family-related reasons account for 26.3%, including changes in marital(婚姻的) status, establishing a household and other family reasons; work-related reasons 16.2%, including job transfer, retirement, and other job-related reasons; housing-related reasons 51.6%, including new and better houses, better neighborhood, cheaper housing and other housing reasons; the remaining 5.9% of other reasons are attending college, the change of climate and health reasons.
Americans have been migrating south and west for decades in search of better job opportunities and warmer climates. They have also been moving to places a little far from cities, in search of bigger yards and houses, lower crime rates and better schools. In 1950, nearly a fifth of the population lived in the nation's 20 largest cities. In 2006, it was about one in ten. That's why many American people say, “Big Cities Shrink as People Move South, West.”
Between March 2005 and March 2007, 73.4 million Americans moved. Fifty-six percent of these moves were within the same country. Twenty percent were between counties but in the same state. Nineteen percent were moves to a different state. Some families even went abroad.
Title: People on the
Lead-in | Throughout human, people have migrated across continents. |
An number of people from poor countries are moving to countries, especially neighboring ones. | |
for people's migration | According to the CPS, the of people move to other places for reasons to housing. |
To for a better job chance, a warmer and a bigger yard, Americans have long been moving south and west. | |
Conclusion | Now every year more and more people move to other places, which seems to have become a global . |
The “babies” tend to be on or near me, or crying, or both. I spend a fair amount of time trying to get William to sleep, to get Elliott to get involved in something that will actually keep him happy for a little while, or to get William to play on the floor for 10 minutes straight so that I can get something done. But, a lot of days, it seems like I'm not succeeding in any of those efforts.
So, yesterday, a friend of mine posted a picture on Facebook. This particular friend has a baby who is about a month younger than William. The picture was of the baby, who had made his way across the floor to the toys housed along the side of the room. I just kept looking at that picture and thinking that if only William had some different toys to play with, perhaps he would stay occupied a bit longer at a stretch. But William seems so bored with all of his toys! And I am so ready for him to be ready to play. In order to find a way to make him playing longer, I kept looking at that picture. Suddenly, I realized my sons need to play closer to me.
So I cleared off the cubby(围起来的)shelves in the playroom, and my husband and I moved it to the living room. We found all of the toys that would be safe for William and put them in the cubbies. Then, we pulled the play kitchen in.
William was so interested in what I was doing that he sat there and played and chewed on his toys while we moved furniture. When we were done, I moved him over closer to the cubbies and he got so excited that he didn't disturb for an hour, while I made dinner and cleaned up! Even Elliott played happily for a few hours. It was a dream come true! And I got to know that my lack of happy children was because of my desire for a toy—free living room.